Fullstack Roblox Developer & Backend Web Developer

Hi!, I'm Wordy and I love to code and make ideas come to life!

Hi! I'm Wordy. Nice to meet you

Since beginning my journey as a roblox freelancer over 5 years ago, I've done remote work for many games and made some games on my own, and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for clients needs. I'm quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my chops one design problem at a time.

Roblox Developer

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the studio.

Language & Libraries

HTTP, Data Store, Wiki, Forums

API Tools

  • Lua
  • Studios
  • Data Store

*When it comes to payment, I can accept USD / GBP and/or Robux. I do not accept game percentages and I can only work if paid upfront (at minimum, half upfront)

Web Developer

I like to program things on the web and increase the capability of others programs.

Languages I Speak.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.JS, Express.JS, Git, Python, Lua

Development Tools

  • Mongoose
  • Mongo DB
  • Postman
  • Nodemon
  • Github
  • Env
  • Axios
  • Terminal

My Past Work

Leave A Note.

Systems I Made

Combat System

Armor System

Abbrevation Module

Pet System / Egg Hatch System (old game of mine)

Anti-Exploit (pretty old)

Want to Contact Me?

Discord (click)